A little about Cassie Springer Ayeni, ERISA litigation attorney
Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation represents clients in Contra Costa County, Alameda County, San Jose, and throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. .
Data from 2008 to 2022
No Victory or Declined to Proceed
Note: Past Results are not a guarantee of future outcomes.
What they say
I am grateful to you and your team for your constant encouragement and providing clarity and feedback.
Thanks again,
Articles & Speaking Engagements
Moderator: “The Ever-evolving Standard Of Review In ERISA Health And Disability Litigation,” JCEB, Oct. 19, 2022
Moderator: “COVID and Long-COVID in the Workplace,” ABA/LEL Section Annual Conference, Nov. 11, 2021
Speaker: “ERISA Statutory Overview,” JCEB, Oct. 25, 2021
Moderator: “Current Trends in ERISA Disability Benefits Claims Litigation,” JCEB, June 29, 2021
Quoted: “The Challenges of Getting Long-Covid Patients Back to Work,” by Krithika Varagur, The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 14, 2021
Quoted: “Many COVID-19 ‘long haulers’ battle for disability benefits, adding insult to injury,” The Los Angeles Times, March 10, 2021
Author: “Pamela Price: With a Backbone of Steel and a Passion for Justice, Ms. Price Embarks on Her Next Chapter,” ACCTLA The Verdict Magazine, Winter 2021/2022
Author: “COVID-19 and Long-term Disability Cases: As the Numbers Rise, So Will the Disability Claims of COVID Long-haulers ,” Consumer Attorneys of California Forum Magazine, Nov/Dec 2020
Speaker: “Long COVID Disability Claims,” Body Politic, Dec. 23, 2020, available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4WgcYyp0g0
Author: Message from NEW EBC Plaintiff Co-Chair, Cassie Springer Ayeni, Employee Benefits Committee Newsletter, Dec. 2019
Author: “Personal Injury Subrogation Claims Under ERISA: Hawaii Does the Work, and the Ninth Circuit Gets ERISA,” Employee Benefits Committee Newsletter, Dec. 2019
Speaker: American Bar Association 2020 Joint Committee on Employee Benefits – Benefit Claims: Administrative Procedures & Litigation.
Speaker: American Bar Association 2020 Joint Committee on Employee Benefits: Statutory Overview.
Speaker: American Bar Association 2020 Joint Committee on Employee Benefits: ERISA Administrative Claims and Litigation.
Speaker: American Bar Association 2019 Midwinter Meeting of the Employee Benefits Committee: Benefits Claims.
Speaker: Alameda-Contra Costa Trial Lawyers’ Association Navigating Disability in the Workplace.
Speaker: American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits: Advanced ERISA Disability Mediation Techniques.
Speaker: American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits: Benefit Claims – Part I Administrative Procedures.
Speaker: American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits: Benefit Claims – Part II Litigation Overview.
Speaker: San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association: Negotiating Tactics.
Speaker: American Bar Association 2018 Midwinter Meeting of the Employee Benefits Committee: Benefits Claim Discovery & Full and Fair Review in a de Novo World.
Speaker: American Bar Association 2017 Midwinter Meeting of the Employee Benefits Committee: New Disability Regulations.
Speaker: Santa Clara County Bar Association Labor and Employment Section: How to issue spot (aka avoid malpractice!) disability and ERISA issues.
Speaker: San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association: Miss-Manners: Women and Sexism in Law.
Speaker: Advanced ERISA Benefit Claims Litigation Conference: Filing Benefit Claims.
Moderator: Advanced ERISA Benefit Claims Litigation Conference: Discovery, Experts, Standard of Review and Discovery and Dispositive Motions
Speaker: Vestibular Disorders Association: How to Apply for Disability with a Vestibular Disorder.
Speaker: Santa Clara County Bar Association Lawyer Lean In Annual Meeting: Marketing for Kick-Ass Women Lawyers.
Speaker: Advanced ERISA Benefit Claims Litigation Conference: Benefits Administration—Issues Unique to Long-Term Disability Claims.
Speaker: Palo Alto Lean In Circle: Marketing for Kick-Ass Women Professionals.
Speaker: Business Women of Silicon Valley’s “How’d She Do It?” Conference
Speaker: American Bar Association and Joint Committee on Employee Benefits: ERISA Basics Institute.
Speaker: University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Medical-Legal Partnership for Seniors (MLPS).
Speaker: University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 5th Annual Diversity Leadership Summit, Finding Your Personal Brand in the Face of Stereotypes.
Speaker: ERISA’s Remedial Scheme and 502(a)(3) Claims, American Conference Institute’s 12th National Forum on ERISA Litigation.
Speaker: American Bar Association and Joint Committee on Employee Benefits: ERISA Benefit Claims Update
Speaker: PowerPoint Techniques for Effective Legal Presentations; Leadership Development Program, sponsored by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law.
Speaker: Marketing for Successful Women Attorneys at a July 2014 luncheon sponsored by FindLaw;
Speaker: Filing Long-Term Disability Administrative Claims and Administrative Appeals of Long-Term Disability Claims at the June 20, 2014 ABA and Joint Committee on Employee Benefits Long-Term Disability Benefits Advanced Seminar.
How to apply for COVID-related disability claims
Partnering with Body Politic to offer information on how to apply for COVID-related disability...
American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits’ “ERISA Basics” Virtual Conference
Please join me, my program co-chairs, panelists, and participants at the American Bar...
Joint Agency Action Automatically Extends Group Disability Appeal Deadlines During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Congratulations to my co-worker, Claire Kennedy-Wilkins for her...
ERISA Basics National Institute 6-Part Webinar Series
June 15th - 17th 2020, I will be speaking on two Employee Benefits Claims panels at the...
For the 6th consecutive year, Cassie Springer Ayeni has been named a SuperLawyer
For the 6th consecutive year, Cassie Springer Ayeni has been named a SuperLawyers Top 50...
Incoming chair message to Employee Benefits Committee
So much has happened in these few months since I wrote this message to the Employee Benefits...