Home » Springer Ayeni » American Bar Association » ERISA Basics National Institute 6-Part Webinar Series
ERISA Basics National Institute 6-Part Webinar Series
June 15th – 17th 2020, I will be speaking on two Employee Benefits Claims panels at the American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits sponsored – ERISA Basics National Institute 6-Part Webinar Series. On the panels, I will present: 1) Statutory Overview and 2) Benefit Claims: Administrative Procedures & Litigation. The great news is that – it is virtual! Now you can join in without the burden of travel! #silverlinings. I look forward to the discussions, questions, and sharing of insights/ideas.
For more, see event details: https://www.americanbar.org/events-cle/mtg/web/394126606/
Or contact: Cassie Springer Ayeni, President of Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation @ www.benefitslaw.com
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