Home » Benefits Insurance Claims » Victory for Springer Ayeni firm in Shaikh v. Aetna: “The attorneys at Springer Ayeni achieved a victory for their client, a man disabled by shoulder pain and denied disability benefits by Aetna Life Insurance Company.”

Victory for Springer Ayeni firm in Shaikh v. Aetna: “The attorneys at Springer Ayeni achieved a victory for their client, a man disabled by shoulder pain and denied disability benefits by Aetna Life Insurance Company.”
Even in tough times, we are grateful for the hard-working judges and court personnel who continue to decide cases and keep the wheels of justice turning. On March 24, 2020, the attorneys at Springer Ayeni achieved a victory for our client, a man disabled by shoulder pain and denied disability benefits by Aetna Life Insurance Company. Judge Chesney of the Northern District of California ordered benefits paid for Mr. Shaikh’s own occupation and remanded for a determination on the amount. The Court found that Aetna “overly focused” on objective medical evidence and “essentially disregarded” Mr. Shaikh’s credible complaints of pain. Springer Ayeni is now pursuing attorney fees against Aetna. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/candce/3:2018cv04394/329565/46/