Her Firm’s Achievements & Results are Measured by the Satisfaction of Her Clients: A Conversation with Attorney Cassie Springer Ayeni
Q: When did you know you would pursue a career in the legal field?
CSA: As early as junior high or high school, I felt the need to advocate for others, to make a point to stand up for the kids who were being bullied or ostracized. I also realized around the same time that I truly enjoyed writing, reasoning, and debating. The law seemed a natural fit: I could use my skills to make a palpable difference in people’s lives. I had settled on a career in law by the time I was 16 and never looked back.
Q: Can you explain what types of cases an ERISA Attorney handles and why you chose this area of law?
CSA: I primarily help people with their employer-sponsored disability benefit claims. ERISA governs all private employer benefit plans, not just pension plans. Many employers provide disability benefit plans in addition to health and pension benefits. In fact, 65% of ERISA litigation is over denied disability benefit claims. The plans are often insured, and clients typically come to me after they stop working, apply for disability benefits to the insurance company, and are denied. I then step in to try to get their disability benefit income restored while they focus on their health.
Q: What is your approach or philosophy to winning or representing a case?
CSA: I lead with kindness. I want to understand truly what my clients have gone through medically, economically, and emotionally to get to this point in their lives, and how I can help. In representing a client, I am there for that person: I am responsive and listen with an open heart. I believe this the secret to winning a case as well – if I am doing my job right, I am painting a picture of the person and the case to help the court appreciate why my client is deserving of their disability benefits. I have the paintbrush and paint ready because I have spent months getting to know my clients and researching the law. And I also aim to be the best-prepared lawyer in the room with the most compelling brief … that helps too.
Q: If we interviewed all your past clients … what is “one” common word that comes up when they describe working with your law firm?
CSA: Compassion
Q: What are some of the most popular topics you are asked to lecture on?
CSA: I speak frequently on ERISA topics, especially in my current role as the co-chair of the ABA’s Employee Benefits Committee. I love presenting to newer attorneys about the fundamentals of ERISA litigation, because I am eager to energize attorneys about how engaging ERISA work is. ERISA is fun! The law is always evolving, providing constant intellectual stimulation, and practicing ERISA law is also a great way to help people in need. I also enjoy speaking to women about re-defining what it means to be a successful litigator, and how to challenge traditional law firm standards to achieve a better work-life balance.
Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to pursue a career as an Attorney?
CSA: Any woman who wants to pursue a career as an attorney should make sure that her potential work environment values diversity and inclusion, fosters a sense of belonging, and creates opportunities for women at every turn. If she is unable to find that environment, she should open her own law firm and create those opportunities herself.
Q: How do you maintain a work/life balance?
CSA: Being the owner of my firm allows me to make up the rules: I look to the best practices of progressive companies and pick policies that I believe are imperative to work/life balance for everyone. I figure that everything I need to raise four children and work full-time as an attorney is what everyone at my firm needs too. I offer unlimited PTO, great benefits, four months of fully paid maternity leave, the ability to bring children in to work as needed (in fact I have brought each of my babies into work until they needed another environment), the ability to work from home, and a practical approach to parenting … like closing the office on Halloween and Valentine’s Day so that we can all attend class parties without rushing to or from work. I, of course, avail myself of each of these policies, which is why I created them in the first place. That’s not to say that I don’t wake up early to work for a bit so that I can focus fully on my kids to take them to school, or grab a few hours on the weekend to pound out a brief, but family always comes first, for me and for everyone who works at Springer Ayeni.
Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
CSA: I have always learned to be myself. If you are authentic, you are compelling as an advocate and a counselor: you listen and communicate better when you are not spending energy on worrying about how you should come across. I also believe in the power of preparation. If you are committed to doing your best and preparing your utmost, then even a negative outcome cannot be met with regret, but a positive outcome is much more likely. And if you’re nervous before a court appearance or speaking engagement, just take a breath and realize that even in a worst-case scenario, you will survive and move forward … we all do.
Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today?
CSA: Looking at women lawyers only, there is much progress to be made. As Joan Williams at the UC Hastings Center for WorkLife Law has analyzed convincingly, women lawyers (and women in other fields too) are asked to “prove it,” then “prove it again.” In other words, women need to do the job before getting the promotion, whereas men are promoted based on potential. This is a major obstacle to women’s promotion and needs to be addressed systematically.
Five Things About Cassie Springer Ayeni
1. If you could talk to one famous person past or present, who would it be and why?
There are so many! But if I had to pick one it would be Harriet Tubman – her courage and vision even in the face of medical problems were and are awe-inspiring.
2. What’s your favorite holiday? Why?
Valentine’s Day! I don’t view it as just a romantic holiday, but as a day to express to those around you how much you care.
3. If you were a superhero, what would your special powers be?
Time-traveling. That would be magical!
4. What app can’t you live without?
Facebook – it has allowed me to make great connections with other lawyer moms – lawmas!
5. Favorite food to eat?
Strawberries. Now, then, forever, and always.
See the interview at https://bayareawomenmag.com/news/view/11665/Her_Firms_Achievements_-_Results_are_Measured_by_the_Satisfaction_of_Her_Clients_A_Conversation_with_Attorney_Cassie_Springer_Ayeni
Read MorePersonal Injury Subrogation Claims Under ERISA
“Personal Injury Subrogation Claims Under ERISA,” my latest article in “The Verdict Magazine,” was published today by the Alameda and Contra Costa County Trial Lawyers Association. This article outlines an example of how the 9th Circuit gets ERISA.
For more visit: https://acctla.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Fall2019-2-copy.pdf#page=7
Read MoreLong Term Disability (LTD): The Hidden Gem in Your Benefits Package
What is an LTD benefit?
Most long-term disability benefits are insurance policies that provide about 50-67% of your base income should you become disabled. What does it mean to be disabled? It will be defined in the policy, but typically it is defined as the inability to perform the material duties of your occupation due to illness or injury. After some time, usually 24 months, the definition of “disability” may change to the inability to perform the material duties of any occupation (taking into account your education, training, and prior income level) due to illness or injury. Mental illness disabilities are usually limited to 24 months of benefits in total.
Many illnesses or injuries can qualify you for a disability benefit. Examples include back, neck, knee, or upper extremity pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, cancer and its consequences, HIV/AIDS, pulmonary dysfunction, cognitive impairment, neurological conditions like Parkinson’s Disease, or chronic pain conditions. Disabilities do not just strike the elderly; my clients range from ages 29-67, with most of them being in their 50s. Yet they all have one thing in common: none were expecting to have to stop working before retirement age due to a medical problem.
Who has an LTD benefit plan?
Most professionals work for employers that provide disability benefit plans. These disability insurance policies have relatively low premiums, so employers often provide disability insurance to their employees as a matter of course. If you work for an employer that provides professional, medical, or technology services you are a prime example of someone who probably has a disability benefit plan through your employer. For example, I frequently represent doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals, lawyers, engineers, project managers, programmers, financial services professionals, executive directors, and even insurance claims adjusters. To see if you have disability coverage, look up your original benefits package or examine what benefits you elected. You can also look up your employer’s IRS Form 5500 filing, which should include details on ERISA retirement and “welfare” benefits such as health, disability, and life insurance benefit plans. ERISA is the law that governs almost all employer-sponsored benefits.
What to do if you need to apply for LTD benefits?
If your doctor has advised you to stop working, please verify whether your employer has an LTD plan or give me a call and I’ll help you figure it out. There are other benefits that might be available to you as well (state disability, Social Security, workers’ compensation, etc.), which I can outline for you. If your employer does have an LTD plan, bear in mind that the reason you stop working has to be because of your disability for you to have coverage and make a successful LTD claim. In some states, including California, late applications can still be accepted as long as the insurer is not harmed by your late claim notice. Typically, your last date of work is also your first date of disability. If you are laid off for performance reasons that are actually related to your disability, you may still have a good LTD claim, but call me to help you analyze it. (You may also have a disability discrimination claim.) If you 1) have an employer-sponsored LTD plan, 2) need to stop working because of a medical condition, and 3) your doctor has advised you to stop working and will fill out a form on your behalf, you should strongly consider applying for LTD benefits. These benefits may be available until age 65 or 67, so do not shy away from making an application! However, there are many traps along the road of applying for and receiving LTD insurance benefits, so feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about whether you should apply or how to maximize your chances of receiving benefits.
#LTD benefits
My Patient Needs to Stop Work … Now What?
By Cassie Springer Ayeni, Disability and Life Insurance Benefits Lawyer
with Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation
cassie@benefitslaw.com . www.benefitslaw.com
It happens: your patient comes to an appointment, and after months or years of “getting by” at work, despite a degenerative or chronic condition, it is clear to you that those days are over. You recommend that for her health, she stop working. Now what?
What your patient now faces is a host of forms and requests from insurance companies and the government to ensure that she has some income even though she’s not working anymore. Besides savings (and it is unheard of for someone in the prime of her working life to have sufficient savings to live decently for the rest of her days), income sources for people with disabilities include:
- Employee benefit plans (short-term disability then long-term disability). Long-term disability usually starts after 6 months and can last until retirement age.
- Private disability insurance plans (also lasting until retirement age).
- State disability insurance that usually last for a year (like California’s EDD).
- Social Security Disability Benefits (available after being disabled for a year and lasting through retirement age).
To qualify for any of these benefits, the #1 thing that a patient needs is help and support from the doctor. Without it, she won’t be approved; and if support wanes in the future, the insurance companies won’t hesitate to cut off her benefits. Here’s what you can do to help ensure that your patient receives disability benefit income on time and without hiccups:
Medical Records
- Document the reason why the patient is disabled in the medical records. List as many objective findings as are available (ROM, atrophy, MRIs, visual findings, etc.), including your objective observations.
- Document in the medical records whether the patient’s complaints of pain, fatigue, or other disabling symptoms are credible.
- If the patient has worked with the condition, answer the question in the medical records of “why now?” Why was she able to work before with the condition but suddenly cannot? Has there been a worsening of symptoms? Do you feel that her best chance of getting better is by resting for a bit at home? Document your rationale in the medical records.
- When the patient gets approved for benefits, keep track of the symptoms in regularly scheduled check-ups; insurance companies request updated medical records every 6-12 months.
Forms Requests
- Be sure to complete and return forms as quickly as possible. Although it is tempting to punt the form-filling to a secretary, it is more credible when completed by you.
- If there are any boxes on the forms that not applicable to your patient, just write N/A or rephrase the question so it makes sense for your patient
- Beware of traps in the questions: If a question states “how often can your patient work? 3 hours, 6, hours, or 8 hours a day,” but you feel your patient could only work 1 hour a day with breaks and unreliable, don’t check a box; just write your true response.
Working with the Lawyers
- Thankfully, with the increasing popularity of medical-legal alliances, most physicians and lawyers now truly comprehend their shared interest in the patient’s well-being, and working together on the insurance requests helps for seamless communications with the insurer. A patient about to go on disability can benefit from a quick call to a benefits attorney to make sure that every “I” is dotted and “t” is crossed.
- A patient whose disability benefits claim has been denied should never attempt to appeal on her own without the benefit of some legal advice.
- Also, even when a patient is approved for benefits, don’t hesitate to ask her lawyer for help understanding the forms; the lawyer and the patient will appreciate it more than you know.
Cassie Springer Ayeni is the President and Founder of Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation, in Oakland, CA, where she focuses on ERISA disability and life insurance cases. She can be reached atcassie@benefitslaw.com or www.benefitslaw.com
Read MoreERISA Disability Traps & Tricks for the Non-ERISA Practitioner
By Cassie Springer Ayeni, President Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act, better known as ERISA, is referred to by at least one judge as “Everything Ridiculous Imagined Since Adam.” Florence Nightingale Nursing Service, Inc. v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield, .832 F. Supp. 1456, 1457 (N.D. Ala. 1993), affirmed, 41 F.2d 1476 (11th Cir. 1995) (Acker, J.). It gets its sordid reputation from its limited remedies, roots in trust law, and limited discovery rules. Yet ERISA is so vast that every lawyer should know a little bit about it.
Most practitioners know that ERISA covers employer-sponsored retirement plans, yet few realize that with minor exceptions[1] it also governs all employer-sponsored health plans, disability benefit plans, and life insurance plans. 29 U.S.C. § 1002. Of these categories of ERISA litigation, disability benefit lawsuits comprise 64.5% of ERISA litigation, health care accounts for 14.4% or ERISA litigation, and pension just 9.3%. Anderson, S., ERISA Benefits Litigation: An Empirical Picture, 28 ABA J. Lab. & Emp. L. 1 (2012) at p. 7. Why is that? Though ERISA was originally designed to protect pension claims, more and more employers are eliminating traditional pension plans for employees or have outsourced to fiduciaries, and ERISA provides limited relief for breaches of fiduciary duties. Health claims are notoriously mishandled (we all probably have our own examples of that!), yet if a plaintiff brings an ERISA claim for denied health benefits, the remedy is that the medical provider gets reimbursed, and there are no punitive, compensatory, or consequential damages available to the plaintiff. Disability benefit claims, however, are another story. If a worker with an employer-sponsored disability benefit plan files a claim for benefits, that claim is typically administered and paid for by an insurance company. And because these insurers have a financial conflict of interest, many disability benefit claims are denied despite the claimant’s doctor’s decision that the claimant should stop working. The remedy under ERISA is payment of the disability benefits through the date of judgment, and benefits can potentially continue until retirement age. In other words, disability benefits are worth a lot over the claimant’s working lifetime. That’s why a little ERISA knowledge comes in handy for any practitioner.
Screening for ERISA
First, in screening these calls from potential clients, be aware that some issue spotting will be incredibly valuable, as most individuals do not even realize that their claim for disability benefits is governed by ERISA. Most individuals call with an assumption that the appropriate area of expertise is disability discrimination, workers’ compensation, Social Security disability, or California state disability insurance. But if the employer offered a disability plan, it is ERISA help they need.
TRAP #1: Assuming that the potential client knows what kind of attorney she needs for her disability issues. TRICK #1: Simply ask “did your employer offer a disability benefit plan?” If so, ERISA will probably govern.
Severance Waivers of ERISA Claims
Second, many people with disabilities may contemplate quitting their job for performance issues or have already been told they will be terminated. If they are getting close to retirement age, they may assume that an early retirement is the honorable way to exit the job. The disabled worker may be offered separation or severance pay, but many standard separation or severance agreements actually waive all claims under ERISA! If someone could potentially obtain a monthly disability benefit until retirement age through their disability benefit plan, this is an extremely valuable benefit to waive in exchange for severance. Indeed, the prudent plaintiff’s attorney should routinely screen for disability if negotiating severance, as no one would want to give the green light for waiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in disability benefits in exchange for a little severance.
TRAP #2: Failing to edit out a waiver of ERISA claims. TRICK #2: Carve out any claims for disability benefits, health benefits, or pension benefits that might arise under ERISA. An example of a good carve out is: “However, the following claims are specifically and expressly excluded from the foregoing Release: (i) health insurance benefits under ERISA or the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA); (ii) claims with respect to benefits, including short- and long-term disability benefit benefits, under a welfare benefit plan governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA); or (iii) claims with respect to vested benefits under a retirement plan governed by ERISA.” Most employers understand the practicality of this, particularly because such claims are usually (but not always) filed against the disability insurer, not the employer.
Strict ERISA Deadlines
Third, although it is best for the potential client to find an ERISA attorney before making the decision to apply for disability benefits, most do not. Rather, most potential clients try to find legal help only after the insurer has denied the claim for disability benefits. At that point, ERISA’s Regulations prescribe a 180-day period for appealing the denied benefit claim. This process MUST be completed or else the claimant loses the right to file suit, also known as “failure to exhaust administrative remedies.”
TRAP #3: Failing to submit an appeal of an adverse disability benefit decision within 180 days of receipt of that decision. TRICK #3: Don’t miss this deadline! But if all else fails, immediately call the insurer to request an extension. ERISA’s regulations allow for “at least” 180 days, but it is up to the insurer to allow an extension. If granted over the phone, immediately follow it up in writing and indicate a date by which the claimant will submit the appeal.
Evidence in the Appeal
Fourth, although filing a hasty appeal is all that is necessary to preserve the ability to file a lawsuit, a scant appeal letter will not win the appeal, nor will it enable an ERISA practitioner to take the case for litigation. ERISA disability litigation is limited to the factual evidence presented in the aforementioned administrative appeal. Once in court, in all but rare circumstances, there will be no depositions, further medical records, or opportunities for direct or cross-examination. And there are also no jury trials. So if you help someone with their disability benefit appeal, please be sure to include all evidence necessary to win the case down the road.
TRAP #4: Assuming that there will be a chance in court to put in more evidence supporting the disability claim. TRICK #4: Throw in everything but the kitchen sink into the appeal! If you think the evidence might be useful in litigation, put it into the appeal. Declarations from the client, friends, family, medical providers, and colleagues, as well as all relevant medical records and expert reports, are key to submit in the appeal of a denied claim.
Filing an ERISA or ERISA-Related Claim
Finally, if you do decide to litigate an ERISA claim, be aware that these claims must be brought in federal court or you will face removal of the ERISA claims and all claims related to the ERISA claims. With limited exceptions, if you are bringing state law claims and ERISA claims, ERISA will preempt those state law claims.[2]
TRAP # 5: Failing to separate any state law claims from ERISA claims. TRICK # 5: Don’t even mention ERISA or other employee benefits or benefit-related remedies in your state law complaint. Leave the ERISA claims alone and litigate those separately as ERISA claims in federal court, or face removal.
TRICK #6: Give me a call. I’m an ERISA nerd and I’m happy to field your ERISA questions! 510-926-6768 Option1, or cassie@benefitslaw.com
Cassie Springer Ayeni is the President of Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation, in Oakland, CA, where she focuses on ERISA disability and life insurance cases. She can be reached at cassie@benefitslaw.com or www.benefitslaw.com
[1] Those exceptions are for public employees (anyone who works for the government such as teachers, legislators, public safety officers, etc.), and “church plans,” (anyone employed, even tangentially, by a religious organization including those who work at Catholic hospitals).
[2] ERISA’s “savings clause” provision saves from preemption any law that regulates insurance, banking, or securities. ERISA § 514(b)(2)(A). An example of the application of the savings clause is in California’s “notice prejudice” rule, which provides that claims can proceed even where there is late notice unless the insurer is prejudiced by the late notice. Because this is a law that regulates insurance and does not provide a remedy that conflicts with ERISA, the law is not preempted. UNUM Life Ins. Co. of Am. v. Ward, 526 U.S. 358, 373, 119 S. Ct. 1380, 1389, 143 L. Ed. 2d 462 (1999).
Read MoreBefore Taking a Job Offer, Understand the Company’s Employee Disability Benefits By Cassie Springer Ayeni
You found it: the perfect job for your next career move with a great salary. You are ready to give your acceptance! But before you do, understand what’s really included in the “benefits package” that your future employer described to you in broad strokes. Yes, there is health insurance and 401(k) matching, but an often-overlooked benefit that becomes crucial in a time of need is your employer’s long-term disability insurance benefit.
Many employers provide a long-term disability insurance policy to employees, which most employees could care less about because no one intends to be taken out of their profession by a disability. Yet a disability can come in many forms, and there are visible and invisible disabilities. You may be entitled to a disability benefit because you are recovering from a surgery, because you experience pain, because you have a degenerative condition, because you suffer from a brain injury, because you have a life-threatening condition, or due to mental health issues. Although you hope to never need to make a disability claim, it’s smart to be aware of what the plans provide should you need to make a short- or long-term disability claim.
The finances:
Disability insurance plans typically cover 60-66.67% of your base income. In general, if you pay the premiums with after-tax dollars as a payroll deduction, then the benefit is non-taxable. If your employer pays the premiums, then the benefit is taxable. Therefore, if you have the option, CHOOSE TO PAY THE PREMIUMS YOURSELF! The tax savings should you become disabled will be well-worth the monthly premium cost.
Disability insurance benefits typically pay through Social Security Normal Retirement Age, which is age 67 for those born in 1960 and later. A monthly income for the years when you are unexpectedly taken out of the workforce, particularly if your disability is expected to last for the rest of your life, is wonderful peace of mind.
Most disability insurance policies, however, cap the “maximum benefit” payable to a certain dollar amount per month. The lowest cap I’ve seen is $6,000 per month. The highest cap I’ve seen is $30,000 per month. If your plan has a low cap that would not be enough to sustain your quality of life if you become disabled, either reconsider the job offer or take our private disability insurance. You may even use this need for private insurance as a bargaining chip to negotiate for a higher salary, as such insurance is typically quite expensive.
The logistics:
Just because a disability benefit plan is offered, does not mean that approval for benefits under that insurance plan will be a piece of cake. If you have a disability that is degenerative in nature, take some time to plan your exit strategy over several months with your doctor’s advice. Work until your physician advises that you no longer should, and then seek the advice of an experienced ERISA attorney to guide you through the application process to ensure the best chance of success at the outset.
With some basic knowledge and the right planning, ERISA disability insurance benefits can be a valuable addition to your compensation package.
Cassie Springer Ayeni is the President of Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation, where she represents individuals in disability benefit applications, appeals, and lawsuits. She can be reached at www.benefitslaw.com
For more contact: Cassie Springer Ayeni
ERISA. The acronym strikes terror in the heart of many a lawyer. Fuzzy notions of fiduciary duties, equitable remedies in the days of a divided bench, and preemption can cause even the most erudite of attorneys to break into a cold sweat. My friends: speaking as someone who has handled ERISA claims, litigation, and appeals for 15 years, I’m here to tell you that it is really not that bad! Allow me to walk you through some ERISA basics so that you can issue spot and avoid malpractice.
ERISA Fundamentals
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) provides minimum standards for voluntarily established benefit plans in the private industry. In addition to pension plans, ERISA governs health and welfare benefit plans, including employer-sponsored disability and life insurance plans. ERISA does not cover benefit plans established or maintained by governmental entities, churches for their employees, or plans which are maintained solely to comply with applicable workers compensation, unemployment, or disability laws. This means that UC plans are non-ERISA (government) plans, but an employer’s benefit plans are governed by ERISA.
ERISA requires plans to provide participants with plan information. ERISA § 104(b)(4). Those who manage and control plan assets must act as fiduciaries. ERISA § 404. ERISA plans must have a grievance and appeals process for benefit claims. ERISA § 503. The process of appealing a denied benefit claim is also called a “request for review,” and is crucial to achieving success on a denied benefit claim, either with the administrator or before a federal court. TIP: There is a 180-day deadline for submitting ERISA appeals that CANNOT be missed. Finally, ERISA gives participants and beneficiaries the right to sue for benefits and breaches of fiduciary duty. ERISA § 502(a). Lawsuits related to or remedied by ERISA are brought in federal district court. Statutes of limitations are often identified in the ERISA plans themselves and must be adhered to.
ERISA Preemption
ERISA has broad preemption provisions. ERISA § 514. If a remedy is available under ERISA, the claim will be preempted. If a case “relates to” an ERISA plan because there is a “connection with or reference to” a plan, the case will be preempted. Metro. Life Ins. Co. v. Massachusetts, 471 U.S. 724, 739. For example, in Ingersoll-Rand Co. v McClendon, the Supreme Court held that a wrongful discharge action was preempted by ERISA because the plaintiff alleged that the wrongful termination was primarily because of the employer’s desire “to avoid contributing to, or paying benefits under, the employee’s pension fund.” 498 U.S. 478, 483 (1990). However, in another case, the Supreme Court determined that California’s prevailing wage law is not preempted by ERISA because the law does not “make reference to” ERISA plans, nor does it have a connection to an ERISA plan because “[t]he prevailing wage statute alters the incentives, but does not dictate the choices, facing ERISA plans.” California Div. of Labor Standards Enf’t v. Dillingham Const., N.A., Inc., 519 U.S. 316, 328, 334 (1997).
As a general rule, if the alleged harm is that the unlawful conduct interfered with a right to receive, vest in, or accrue an employee benefit, then the claim will be preempted. Ingersoll-Rand Co. v. McClendon, 498 U.S. 133 (1990) (preempting a common law wrongful discharge claim where the claim was that the employer retaliated to prevent vesting in an ERISA plan). TIP: If you are concerned that your case will be pre-empted by ERISA, avoid alleging that any remedies are available under any kind of employee benefit plan or that any claims bear a connection to an employee benefit plan. Do NOT allege that the bad behavior caused a loss of employee benefits. Do NOT allege that the bad behavior should result in payment of disability or other ERISA benefits. These allegations will cause you to be removed to the federal courts that have exclusive jurisdiction over ERISA claims. And, if the claim is properly an ERISA claim for benefits, then there will be no consequential or punitive damages available, nor will there be a jury trial.
However, ERISA’s “savings clause” provision saves from preemption any law that regulates insurance, banking, or securities. ERISA § 514(b)(2)(A). An example of the application of the savings clause is in California’s “notice prejudice” rule, which provides that claims can proceed even where there is late notice unless the insurer is prejudiced by the late notice. Because this is a law that regulates insurance and does not provide a remedy that conflicts with ERISA, the law is not preempted. UNUM Life Ins. Co. of Am. v. Ward, 526 U.S. 358, 373, 119 S. Ct. 1380, 1389, 143 L. Ed. 2d 462 (1999).
ERISA Long-Term Disability Cases
While most people are familiar with ERISA governing pension plans, 80% of all ERISA litigation is actually over denied long-term disability (LTD) benefits.
- What is the LTD benefit?
Employer-sponsored LTD plans, also known as “group” disability insurance plans, generally provide benefits after 6 months of disability until retirement age. The benefit is typically 2/3 of pre-disability earnings. Unlike private disability plans, almost all ERISA LTD plans will offset other income or benefits including severance, workers’ compensation, Social Security Disability, state disability, and even retirement benefits received. TIP: if you are negotiating a settlement for your client, be sure that it cannot be characterized as an off-settable source of income to the ERISA LTD benefits, or the client will essentially have to hand over the settlement funds to the ERISA LTD insurer.
Example of a severance that will likely be offset 100%: “After the Separation Date, EMPLOYEE will receive payments from EMPLOYER totaling $65,000, constituting salary continuation, accumulated sick leave, lost wages, and severance pay.”
Example of a severance that will not likely be offset: “After the Separation Date, EMPLOYEE will receive payments from EMPLOYER totaling $65,000 as consideration for waiving the claims specified herein. This amount does not constitute salary continuation, accumulated sick leave, lost wages, or severance pay.”
If it is impossible to avoid the triggering language, just leave out the description as a last resort.
- When Is Someone Disabled?
Many ERISA LTD plans have an “own occupation” standard of disability that shifts to an “any occupation” standard of disability after 24 months. In other words, after 24 months, the claimant has to be disabled from any occupation given her education, training, experience, and station in life, to continue to receive LTD benefits.
Many ERISA LTD plans also have a 2-year limitation for certain conditions. Common limitations include mental illnesses, “self-reported” conditions, neuro-musculoskeletal disorders, chronic fatigue conditions, chronic pain conditions, allergies, and chemical sensitivities. TIP: if you are working with a disabled client’s physicians and there are also emotional distress issues, be aware that the mental health component should be listed as secondary to the physical component of the disability to avoid the 24-month mental health limitation in the ERISA LTD plan.
Types of Plans
There are two types of ERISA LTD Plans: insured and self-funded. With self-funded plans, the employer sets aside funds for qualified participants. Because the risk of payment lies with the employer, usually big employers like AT&T or Johnson & Johnson are the only employers providing self-funded plans. With these plans, non-preempted state law insurance protections do not apply. With insured plans, the employer purchases an insurance policy to provide disability benefits to its. Often, the insurer both decides liability and pays the benefits. The Supreme Court recognizes this as a structural conflict of interest. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Glenn, 128 S. Ct. 2343 (2008). In my experience, some insurers are better than others. Standard Insurance currently has the worst definition of disability, limiting so many conditions to 24 months that it shocks me when someone is eligible for benefits beyond two years; Liberty Mutual is particularly cantankerous in litigation.
Time for some ERISA issue spotting!
1. If someone has a disability or other employee benefit claim, does ERISA govern if the employer is:
A: A private company?
B: Government (U.C., federal employee, state employee, public school teacher)?
C: A partnership that covers both partners and employees?
D: A private company where there are only owners but no employees?
Answers: A: Yes; B: No; C: Yes; D: No (there must be an employee covered as well for ERISA to govern)
2. If someone has been disabled from her “own occupation” for 24 months, then the plan switches to an “any occupation” standard of disability, is she still entitled to benefits where she is:
A: a lawyer with bipolar disorder who is told by the insurer to go get a job as a manual laborer?
B: a construction worker who has a high school education but who also has lifting restrictions, where the insurer tells her to go get a job as a receptionist for a construction company?
Answers: A: No (not appropriate given education, training, experience, and station in life); B: Yes (as long as the salary matches her station in life)
3. What allegations will be preempted by ERISA?
A. Discrimination caused the employee to lose accrual of retirement benefits.
B. Emotional distress resulted from denied disability claim.
C. Employee was not paid fair wages.
D. California’s “notice prejudice” rule trumps an ERISA Plan’s claim filing deadline.
A: Preempted – remedy of restored retirement conflicts with ERISA’s remedy for a breach of fiduciary duty claim. Ingersoll-Rand Co. v McClendon, 498 U.S. 478, 483 (1990);
B: Probably preempted: one court has recently held that emotional distress claims, if they are independent from the lost benefit claims, can proceed in state court. Daie v. The Reed Grp., Ltd., No. C 15-03813 WHA, 2015 WL 6954915, at *3 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 10, 2015) (“Our defendants’ duty not to engage in the alleged tortious conduct existed independent of defendants’ duties under the ERISA plan.”);
C: Not preempted: California Div. of Labor Standards Enf’t v. Dillingham Const., N.A., Inc., 519 U.S. 316, 328, 334 (1997);
D: UNUM Life Ins. Co. of Am. v. Ward, 526 U.S. 358, 373, 119 S. Ct. 1380, 1389, 143 L. Ed. 2d 462 (1999).
A Final Tip: Don’t Waive Your Client’s ERISA Claims in a Severance Agreement
Finally, many clients call me after having accepted a “standard” severance agreement from their employer, where they unknowingly waived their ERISA disability claim rights. Oops! While ERISA pension claims vest and cannot be waived, the same is not true for ERISA health and welfare claims, including disability claims. Please be sure that your clients do not waive their ERISA rights, as their disability and life insurance plans in particular may be far more valuable to them than the severance itself. Employers are generally willing to agree to carve out ERISA disability and life insurance claims once they understand the ramifications.
Example of a good ERISA carve-out: … However, the following claims are specifically and expressly excluded from the foregoing Release: (i) health insurance benefits under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA); (ii) claims with respect to benefits, including short- and long-term disability benefit benefits, under a welfare benefit plan governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA); or (iii) claims with respect to vested benefits under a retirement plan governed by ERISA.
If you ever have a question about how to navigate ERISA’s tricky waters, call an experienced ERISA attorney. Us ERISA nerds are typically happy to field questions and co-counsel if you find yourself in over your head. I can be reached at cassie@benefitslaw.com if you have any questions. You can also find more information about ERISA on the Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) website, at https://www.dol.gov/ebsa/.
Cassie Springer Ayeni is the President and Founder of Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation, in Oakland, CA, where she focuses on ERISA disability and life insurance cases. She can be reached at cassie@benefitslaw.com or www.benefitslaw.com
Read MoreCan you get benefits when Lyme disease forces you out of your job?
By Cassie Springer Ayeni
It happens: You’ve been working with Lyme disease for years and stumbling along. Some days/months are better than others, but you’ve been determined to keep working in a career you love. But then, gradually, it all becomes too much. You’re not bouncing back as well. Even though you rest from the moment you get home until when you leave for work the next day, giving up social engagements, relying on others to pick up the kids, and getting take-out dinners more than you would like, you are still struggling to get through the workday.
You see your doctor and she tells you the time has come for you to take some time off of work and focus on getting better. You are disabled from working. Now what? How will you live without your income? Here are some options and a plan.
- There Are Several Sources for Disability Benefits
Besides savings (and it is almost unheard of for someone in the prime of her working life to have sufficient savings to live decently for the rest of her days), income sources for people with disabilities include:
- ERISA-governed employee benefit plans (short-term disability then long-term disability). Long-term disability usually starts after 6 months and can last until retirement age.
- These benefits are usually tax-free if you paid the premiums with your after-tax earnings, but taxable if your employer paid the premiums.
- Private disability insurance plans (also lasting until retirement age).
- These benefits are usually not taxable.
- State disability insurance that usually last for a year (like California’s EDD).
- These benefits are usually not taxable.
- Social Security Disability Benefits (available after being disabled for six months and lasting through retirement age).
- These benefits are sometimes taxable, depending on your household income.
Here, I will focus on the first prong of these income sources: short- and long-term disability benefit plans offered by your employer. Many employers offer these group disability plans to all of their employees because the premiums are low and they can be a huge benefit to employees struck with a disability, whether short or long-term. Some employees never even realize that these benefits are in place, so be sure to check with HR or review your handbook as you are preparing to go out on disability.
However, a complex area of law called ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act) governs these employee benefit plans, even though you usually apply to an insurance company for payment of the benefits. Under ERISA, there are technical rules governing timelines for the insurance company to decide whether to pay your claim.
Even though you have a disability plan through your employer, you can still apply for all of the other disability benefits listed above. However, the benefits are usually coordinated so that you only receive a fixed percentage of your salary altogether, usually 2/3 or 60%.
- Your Doctor’s Role
Most people with Lyme disease have a long-standing relationship with a supportive doctor. This is instrumental to getting your disability benefit claims approved. Please make sure that your doctor knows how important it is that she fills out forms promptly so that your income stream can continue while you are not working. Here are some key tips for the “Attending Physician Statements” that you submit to the insurance company.
- Your doctor should answer the question “why is the patient disabled now?” especially if you have been working with Lyme disease for a while. Did it worsen? Is the fatigue getting the best of you? Is it now interfering with your ability to perform the activities of daily living, such as preparing meals? Ask your doctor to be specific and make sure this is in your medical record.
- Your doctor should point out that you are credible in your symptom reporting. When your doctor notes this, it helps prevent the insurance company from doubting your credibility, an unfortunately common reality when insurance companies are looking for a way to cut costs.
- Regularly schedule check-ups. Even though your condition may not get better with treatment, it is a good idea to see your doctor anyway every 6-12 months. This helps demonstrate to the insurance company that you are under the regular care of an attending physician. Also, insurance companies typically request medical records every 6-12 months.
- If you don’t already have an ERISA lawyer, you might want to check in with one now. Your lawyer can work with your doctor to get the forms filled out the right way the first time.
- Submitting the Application.
Finally, your doctor is on board and you have made the decision that resting without working is in the best interest of your health. Here is a checklist for your disability application:
- Request the short- and long-term disability application forms from HR.
- Request a copy of the short- and long-term disability policies from HR. These plan documents tell you some important information, like:
- The definition of disability. Make sure there is no “exclusion or limitation” for Lyme disease
- The Elimination Period. This tells you how long you have to be disabled before benefits start.
- The benefit amount. Typically this is 2/3 of your salary, when all sources of disability income are combined. There is often a “maximum” benefit, which high income earners need to be aware of.
- When the definition of disability “shifts.” Typically, for the first 24 months you are entitled to benefits if you are disabled from your regular occupation, and after 24 months you have to be disabled from “any occupation.”
- Duration of benefits. ERISA disability benefits usually last until retirement age or age 65, or until you are no longer disabled.
- The process for appealing a denied claim.
- Take a stab at filling out the application forms, but do not feel limited to the boxes on the forms. If you need extra space, include an addendum. If the question on the form doesn’t really apply to you, modify the question and answer to state what needs to be said about why you are disabled.
- Make sure that your employer knows they will have to fill out a form verifying your income and job duties.
- If it’s too overwhelming, ask an ERISA attorney to check your work to make sure that your application gives you the best shot at success. A skilled ERISA attorney will look for problems in your draft, and will also supplement an application with declarations and other information that will help an approval from the outset.
- And, if your application is denied, you must engage in the “appeals process” with the insurance company by the deadline, or you will lose your right to your claim. The appeal needs to contain ample medical and other evidence in support of your claim; it must be more than a letter stating “I appeal.” However, coming from someone who has handled hundreds of these appeals, you should never attempt to appeal on your own without the benefit of legal advice. The appeal stage is crucial, as you may be limited to the evidence of disability you present at this stage if you ever have to go to court.
Cassie Springer Ayeni is the President and Founder of Springer Ayeni, A Professional Law Corporation, in Oakland, CA, where she focuses on ERISA disability and life insurance cases. She can be reached at cassie@benefitslaw.com or www.benefitslaw.com.
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